Turns out the BOE form I sent in to the San Diego Convention needs to be accompanied by a seller's permit if I'm going to be selling any comics at the comic con, which I will be. So now I've got to apply for a seller's permit, then put my permit number on my BOE form and send it in before June 1st or I lose my spot. I've got to take care of this right away.
Other paperwork I've got to do is get a business license in the name of Uncommon Comics and buy the ucommoncomics.com website. It seems to be available.
Meanwhile I've finished my layout for the first book, but it's two pages longer than I anticipated. I've got to either go in and edit some stuff out, or just bite the bullet and make my comics

28 pages instead of 24. But that's four more pages per comic, which is 28 more pages total, and that's too much extra work. So I think I've got to cut some pages out. There are a few spots that are heavy that I can chop up. I'll post my before and afters soon.
Here's a detail of a cave beast when he's chillin' and when he's pissed off. I sketched it out the other day at work while in a meeting. I love meeting time doodles.
Lot's to think about.