Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Editing back down to 24 pages

I exceeded my 24 page limit on my layout book, so I had to go in and trim some fat. It turns out I had two sections that were bothering me. In this particular case I had a total superhero thing going on, that was a little unnecessary and lame.

I kind of turned Robel into Superman, saving the day and then giving a kid a moral lesson. "Don't hurt animals." I need to foreshadow the oxen as panicking easily, but I had taken it too far and given this little bit too much importance by giving it two pages worth of Robel jumping to the aid of this boy, saving his ox and handing the reins back over without scolding him.
In the edited version, Robel just stops the boy from hitting the ox, tells him to cut it out or else, and the story continues. One page was all I needed, and now Robel isn't as much of a goody two shoes. I like it better, and it saved me a page. YAY! two-fer.

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