Here are some sketches I'm playing around with for cover ideas to my "Get Flunk" story. I like the idea of having the Golden Gate Bridge in there so you know it's a San Francisco story. I tried out two different versions of Get creating a Golden Gate Bridge with string. The one on the right would fit better with the vertical format of a comic cover. I also like the idea of the simple one of him below the bridge. It's a dramatic angle. It just doesn't have any weirdness to it, which I need to add as the story is weird.

The character is named Get Flunk. It's an odd name, and probably really lame, but that's what I'd named him when I created him, so that's still his name. I may name the book something else. It's about San Francisco, so maybe something having to do with San Francisco. We'll see.
I've still got to finish this thing real quick so I don't have a lot of time to deliberate, but I want the cover to be good so the Comic Con board is impressed and gives me a table. I'll put an ad for my Xiola book on the back cover with a link to my blog and such. Marketing, baby.
Hey, that's me! Awesome blog Will. I love hearing about your process and ideas. I am totally inspired that you are moving forward with this stuff and I CAN'T wait to see more!!!!!!!!!!! I like the idea of a comic set in SF. There are so many interesting facets to this city. I've always wondered what's inside those mysterious underground military bunkers. Keep rockin!