Sunday, April 19, 2009

Digital Test

I didn't end up being able to do any artwork on my camping trip. So now it's back to Xiola production.

I've always planned to do Xiola as a waterclolored book, but I did do one test of computer coloring. It didn't turn out as well as I'd have liked. I understand watercolor so much more than photoshop. Even without the UNDO key, I feel more free with traditional medium. And I love seeing an actual piece of art as a finished product. I'm an old fogey that way.

Here's my digital test of one of Oshiro's messengers being killed outside the Sidian walls. I never really focused on the background, but the rider and mount came out ok. The mount is a six legged tanir, or "sticky mule." They are smaller than horses, but sturdy and can travel well over uneven ground. I've still got to do a final design check, but they mostly will look something like this.

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