I wrapped up painting for the night. I was able to really darken up the foreground tree and cliff, but I think I need to add some of the reddish browns into the cliff on the left. I like its color better in the color study up on the right.
You can see some of my reference images here too. Cool cliffs and old gnarled trees. I live for reference, but probably rely on it too much. I guess I feel that I better keep painting from reality as much as possible or I will never get any better. All my work will get too cartoony if I just make everything up.
I'm going to try and pencil out the next page this weekend. It's got panels, a main character, crazy perspective, smoke, fire, and bees. Gonna be a tough one.
By the way. I just signed up for WonderCon SF in April. I am very excited to be all over the convention scene. Now I've just got to become more prolific. I should take a vacation after my current project at work; spend some time working on my book. I need all the time I can get.
Take it easy.
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