Here's my first page with panels. I'm pretty happy with it. In this page I introduce you to Kodo, a young honey collector, as he makes his way down a cliff wall. He coughs from the smoke and slips, sending stones down on the people tending the fire below. An old man watches him with blind eyes.
The old man on the bottom right is kind of weak. He looks a little flat. But I like the energy in the two middle panels: the close-up of the boy coughing and the close-up of his foot slipping. Those panels have energy to them. I found that while drawing the close-up of the old man I slowed my pace down, and whenever I do that my drawings tend to end up stiff. I've got to let the lead flow. Let it flow.
I started on a color test tonight, but it was turning out real weak. The photo I took of the pencils came out too dark. I really need to photograph the art during the day when I've got nice natural lighting. Hopefully I'll be able to color test and actually start the painting tomorrow night. I'd like to start picking up the pace more. I've got a long way to go. My goal would be to get a couple of pages done each week; pencils to paint.
I've got some planning to do for APE next month. I've got less than three weeks. I'd like to make some prints of my cover, and possibly something else, but I don't know what. I'll keep you posted.