I've designed this character a bunch of times, but I'm really starting to have fun with this version. He kind of looks like a cross between a native american and a Singhalese devil dancer. This character is Robel, the chief of the Flyers, a select group of Sidians who have mastered gliding. As the Sidian live among huge cliffs and rock monuments, they are adept climbers, but over the centuries they developed a method of gliding a short distance down a cliff without doing harm to themselves. They wear a series of robes which are folded intricately over their legs. Two rings clipped to their belts keep their robes in place until removed and stretched out unfolding the robes into their wing-like form.
The Sidian Flyers believe that the great vulture spirit guides taught this skill to their ancestors. The Flyers act as messengers between clans and regions. They are trained in gliding, as well as speech and writing, and are able to recite word for word the orders of their masters. Robel is introduced in the first issue. He is a secondary, but important character in the story.
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