One is directly following the previous spreads of Robel. We watch him glide down the mountainside to give the message of the approaching warlord to the council. Then we see abit of the Sidian City, and look up into a high tower and meet Eleya, who is arguing with her father about the Sidian religion, and the fact that she is going to be sacrificed today. It isn't technically a sacrifice, as she's going to be fighting a beast in hand to hand combat, but as no one's ever survived before it's basically a sacrifice.

In this scene I want to show that Eleya does not believe in her father's religion and the religion of her people. She has finally got the courage to tell her father how she truly feels, now that she is going to be killed. He, though, is trying to hang on to his religious foundations and is not willing to hear her blasphemous remarks. He loves her, but still tries to be stern and stoic, and is genuinely insulted by her open lack of faith.

And we learn that his wife, Eleya's mother, is a sore spot for him. Gordon can only hold himself back for so long until he smacks his own daughter in the face... but she doesn't fall down. Instead, she keeps her feet, insults him one last time and storms out, leaving him now angry at himself. This is not how he wanted to spend his last day with his daughter.