I'll be bringing a bunch of copies of Wanderings with me to the Wondercon the weekend of the 28th to hand out. I recommend if you've got free time that weekend, to go visit Wondercon. It's a fun, smaller convention than San Diego. There's a little more breathing room, and if you get claustrophobic, you can always head on over to the Cartoon Art Museum and check out the Coraline puppet and model exhibit. I haven't seen it yet, but I hear it's great.
I had a couple of storyboard gigs the last few nights, so my comic production is on pause. I should get back to Xiola by Friday. Stay tuned.
Here's Cho, the Emperor's man-at-arms. He's a completely loyal general who has no ambition for the throne. He's been friends with the Emperor since the Emperor was a young warrior in the previous Emperor's army. Though a trusted and valued leader, he wears the simple helmet of an infantry soldier. This and the fact that he always fights with his men and never behind them has earned the respect of his army. The army obeys the Emperor out of fear, but they would die for Cho because they see him as one of their own.