I've had a proof made from a printer and sent it down to the San Diego Comic Con board. I haven't even seen it. My wife Analia picked up the proof and mailed it today while I was at work. I will be checking out a second proof hopefully tomorrow, if not this weekend. Once I've checked the proof I'm going to have a bunch of copies printed up. I'll be handing them out to friends and giving them away to comic book shops to give to their customers as a promotional material.
I am working with a local printer called 4th Street Press in San Rafael. I've only talked to the owner over the phone, but he's been real easy to deal with so far.
I'm not sure how many copies of
Wanderings I want to print up. It's kind of a financial decision at this point. How much can I afford to just give away? We used to give a ton of books away and only sell to stores when I was in Xero Comics. We even printed up a preview edition of
Xiola one year especially to give away at the San Diego Comic Convention.
I wrote a price on the back of the book as $.95 just in case I wanted to sell them, but at that price I might as well give them away. We'll see. Marketing is a strange game that I haven't fully mastered. I do know that everyone loves supporting a local, so my first plan is just to give away to local stores and get myself known at least in the San Francisco Bay Area. Once I've got some sort of readership/street cred, then I can move around a bit more freely within the comic scene.
So hopefully I'll get the book printed up this weekend and you'll be picking up a copy from me real soon, or you'll pick it up in your local shop. Take it easy.